A Benterki, M Boukhnifer, V Judalet, C Maaoui : Driving Intention Prediction and State Recognition on Highway
29th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 566-571, 2021
YM Idir, O Orfila, V Judalet, B Sagot, P Chatellier : Mapping Urban Air Quality from Mobile Sensors Using Spatio-Temporal Geostatistics, Sensors 21 (14), 4717, 2021
A Mechernene, V Judalet, A Chaibet, M Boukhnifer: Risk Analysis Method for a Lane Change Maneuvers on Highways, International Conference on Control, Automation and Diagnosis (ICCAD), 1-7, 2020
A Benterki, V Judalet, C Maaoui, M Boukhnifer : Multi-Model and Learning-Based Framework for Real-Time Trajectory Prediction
28th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 776-781, 2020
A Benterki, M Boukhnifer, V Judalet, C Maaoui : Artificial intelligence for vehicle behavior anticipation: Hybrid approach based on maneuver classification and trajectory prediction, IEEE Access 8, 56992-57002 9, 2020
D Mignot, P Beillas, P Chauvel, P Chretien, V Judalet : Automated vehicles and road safety: first results of the surca project, Technical Communication-Washington– 1 (1), pp89-102, 2020
A Benterki, V Judalet, M Choubeila, M Boukhnifer : Long-term prediction of vehicle trajectory using recurrent neural networks, IECON 2019-45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society … 3, 2019
A Benterki, M Boukhnifer, V Judalet, M Choubeila : Prediction of surrounding vehicles lane change intention using machine learning, 2019 10th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and … 7, 2019
V Judalet, S Glaser, D Gruyer, S Mammar : Fault detection and isolation via the interacting multiple model approach applied to drive-by-wire vehicles, Sensors 18 (7), 2332 13, 2018
A Mechernene, V Judalet, A Chaibet, M Boukhnifer : Motion prediction and risk assessment for the decision making of autonomous vehicles, International Journal of Robotics and Automation 5, 32-39 2, 2018
V JUDALET : l’Université Paris-Saclay, Université d’Orléans, 2016
V Judalet: Architecture robuste de contrôle pour un système by-wire en partage avec le conducteur, Université Paris-Saclay 1, 2016
V Judalet, S Glaser, D Gruyer, S Mammar : IMM-based sensor fault detection and localization for a drive-by-wire vehicle, IFAC Safeprocess 2015, 9th International Symposium on Fault Detection … 2015
O Orfila, D Gruyer, V Judalet, M Revilloud : Ecodriving performances of human drivers in a virtual and realistic world, IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 790-795 7, 2015
V Judalet, S Glaser, D Gruyer, S Mammar : IMM-based sensor fault detection and identification for a drive-by-wire vehicle, IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (21), 1158-1164 10, 2015
V Judalet, M Dhaoui, S Glaser, S Mammar : Fuzzy logic slip rate controller for experimental test vehicle, 17th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems … 2, 2014
V Judalet, S Glaser, C Boussard, S Mammar : Implementation of first order algebraic estimators for numerical filtering and derivation applications, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 47 (3), 9152-9158 3, 2014
D Gruyer, O Orfila, V Judalet, S Glaser : New 3D immersive platform dedicated to prototyping, test, evaluation and acceptability of eco-driving applications, VISION 2014 2014
D Gruyer, O Orfila, V Judalet, S Pechberti, B Lusetti, S Glaser : Proposal of a virtual and immersive 3D architecture dedicated for prototyping, test and evaluation of eco-driving applications, IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 511-518 3, 2013
V Judalet, S Glaser, B Lusetti : Incentive shared trajectory control for highly-automated driving, IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 1089-1094 2013
V Judalet, S Glaser, V Kocher, D Charondiere : Virtual reality for real driving: a tool to fill the gap between simulators and test tracks, Proceedings of the Driving Simulation Conference 2, 2012
C Kaerner, V Judalet, A Doerr, J Kolatschek, M Hiemer, O Koerner : Method and control unit for activating passenger protection means for a vehicle, US Patent App. 12/735,135, 2011
M Bunse, M Schneider, C Rauh, V Judalet : Method and device for activating passenger protection means, US Patent App. 12/088,997, 2009