Frédéric MURZYN
Campus Ouest Parc Universitaire Laval-Changé
Rue Georges Charpak - Cedex 9 BP76121
53061 Laval
Habilitation à diriger des ercherches
Murzyn, F. (2019) Contribution à la caractérisation expérimentale d’écoulements environnementaux turbulents, Université de Rouen Normandie, 320 pages.
Chapitres d'ouvrages
Murzyn, F. and Chanson, H. (2009) Two-phase gas-liquid flow properties in the hydraulic jumps: Review and perspectives. Multphase Flow Research, Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, NY, USA, Editions S. Martin and J.R. Williams, Chapter 9, pp. 497-542 (ISBN 978-1-60692-448-8)
Revues internationales (sur invitation, spécial issues)
[5] Le Vern, M., Sediki, O., Razakamanantsoa, A., Murzyn, F. and Larrarte, F. (2020) Experimental assessment of dust emissions on compacted soils degraded by traffic, Atmosphere, 11, 4, 369, doi: 10.3390/atmos11040369, 24 pages. Special issue on « Wake flows and air quality in the atmosphere » (Guest editors: Frederic Murzyn, Georges Fokoua and Ram Balachandar)
[4] Jesudhas, V., Balachandar, R., Wang, H. and Murzyn, F (2020) Modelling hydraulic jumps: IDDES versus experiments, Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 20, 2, pp. 393-413, Special issue on « Environmental Fluid Mechanics in Hydraulic Engineering« , doi: 10.1007/s10652-019-09734-5 (Guest editors: Hubert Chanson, Fabian Bombardelli and Oscar Castro-Orgaz)
[3] Murzyn, F., Fokoua, G. Rodriguez, R., Shen, C., Larrarte, F. and Mehel, A. (2020) Car wake flows and ultrafine particle dispersion: from experiments to modelling, Atmosphere, 11, 1, 39, doi: 10.3390/atmos11010039, 23 pages. Special issue on « Wake flows and air quality in the atmosphere » (Guest editors: Frederic Murzyn, Georges Fokoua and Ram Balachandar)
[2] Wang, H. and Murzyn, F. (2017) Experimental assessment of characteristic turbulent scales in two-phase flow of hydraulic jump: from bottom to free surface. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 17, 1, pp 7-25 (DOI: 10.1007/s10652-016-9451-6). https://rdcu.be/5x7P, Special issue on « Environmental multi phase fluid mechanics » (Guest editors: Fabian Bombardelli and Hubert Chanson)
[1] Murzyn, F. and Chanson, H. (2009) Experimental investigation of bubbly flow and turbulence in hydraulic jumps. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 9, 2, pp 143-159 (DOI: 10.1007/s10652-008-9077-4), Special issue on « Recent advances on multi-phase flows of environmental importance » (Guest editors: Hubert Chanson and Fabian Bombardelli).
Revues internationales
[21] Le Vern, M., Sediki, O., Razakamanantsoa, A., Murzyn, F. and Larrarte, F. (2020) Experimental study of particle lift initiation on roller compacted sand-clay mixtures, Environmental Geotechnics, 12 pages (in press) (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1680/jenge.19.00172).
[20] Rodriguez, R., Murzyn, F., Mehel, A. and Larrarte, F. (2020) Dispersion of ultrafine particles in the wake of car models: a wind tunnel study, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 198, 104109, 13 pages (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jweia.2020.104109)
[19] Keita, N.S., Mehel, A., Murzyn, F., Taniere, A., Arcen, B. and Diourte, B. (2019) Numerical study of ultrafine particles dispersion in the wake of a cylinder, Atmospheric Pollution Research, 10, 1, pp. 294-302 (DOI: 10.1016/j.apr.2018.08.006)
[18] Tientcheu-Nsiewe, M., Tcheukam-Toko, D., Murzyn, F., Patte-Rouland, B., Monkam, A. and Tchawe-Tchawe, M. (2018). Numerical study of a kinetic detachment flow in the near-wake of an Ahmed body, MOJ Civil Engineering, 4, 3, pp. 171-173 (DOI: 10.15406/mojce.2018.04.00116)
[17] Rodriguez, R., Murzyn, F., Aubry, J., Mehel, A. and Larrarte, F. (2018) An innovative LDV data processing method for statistical error corrections. Application to homogeneous and non-homogeneous seeding, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 60, pp 67-77 (DOI: 10.1016/j.flowmeasinst.2018.02.011)
[16] Mehel, A., Murzyn, F. and Rodriguez, R. (2017) The interactions of the exhaust ultrafine particle with the vehicle near-wake flow, Journal of Earth Sciences and Geotechnical Engineering, 7, 1, pp 215-230
[15] Tientcheu-Nsiewe, M., Tcheukam-Toko, D., Murzyn, F., Mehel, A. and Patte Rouland, B. (2016) Numerical study of a turbulent flow in the near-wake of an Ahmed body, American Journal of Environmental Engineering, 6, 6, pp 157-163 (DOI: 10.5923/j.ajee.20160606.01).
[14] Murzyn, F. and Mehel, A. (2016) Influence of the virtual origin on the turbulent length scales in the grid generated turbulence, International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research, 43, 1, pp 62-78
[13] Mehel, A. and Murzyn, F. (2015) Effect of air velocity on nanoparticles dispersion in the wake of a vehicle model: wind tunnel experiments. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 6, pp 612-617 (DOI: 10.5094/APR.2015.069).
[12] Wang, H., Murzyn, F. and Chanson, H. (2015) Interaction between free-surface, two-phase flow and total pressure in hydraulic jumps. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 64, pp. 30-41 (DOI: 10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2015.02.003) (ISSN 0894-1777).
[11] Wang, H., Murzyn, F. and Chanson, H. (2014) Total pressure fluctuations and two-phase flow turbulence in hydraulic jumps. Experiments in Fluids, 55, 11, paper 1847, 16 pages (DOI: 10.1007/s00348-014-1847-9) (ISSN 0723-4864).
[10] Tcheukam-Toko, D., Mokem-Chetchueng, M., Mouangue, R., Beda, T. and Murzyn, F. (2013) Characterization of hydraulic jump over an obstacle in an open-channel flow. International Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 2, 5, pp. 71-84 (DOI: 10.5923/j.ijhe.20130205.01)
[9] Murzyn, F. and Chanson, H. (2009) Free-surface fluctuations in hydraulic jumps: Experimental observations. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 33, 7, pp. 1055-1064 (DOI: 10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2009.06.003) (ISSN: 0894-1777).
[8] Murzyn, F. and Chanson, H. (2009) Two-phase flow measurements in turbulent hydraulic jumps. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Trans. IChemE, Part A, 87, 6, pp 789-797 (DOI: 10.1016/j.cherd.2008.12.2003) (ISSN 0263-8762)
[7] Murzyn, F. and Chanson, H. (2008) Experimental assessment of scale effects affecting two-phase flow properties in hydraulic jumps. Experiments in Fluids, 45, 3, pp. 513-521 (DOI: 10.1007/s00348-008-0494-4) (ISSN 0723-4864)
[6] Murzyn, F., Mouazé, D. and Chaplin, J.R. (2007) Air water interface dynamic and free surface features in hydraulic jumps. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 45, 5, pp. 679-685 (DOI: 10.1080/00221686.2007.9521804)
[5] Murzyn, F., Mouazé, D. and Chaplin, J.R. (2006) Flow visualization and free surface length scales measurements in a horizontal jet beneath a free surface. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 30, 7, pp. 703-710 (DOI: 10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2006.01.010).
[4] Mouazé, D., Murzyn, F. and Chaplin, J.R. (2005) Free surface length scale estimation in hydraulic jumps. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 127, 6, pp. 1191-1193 (DOI: 10.1115/1.1060736)
[3] Murzyn, F., Mouazé, D. and Chaplin, J.R. (2005) Optical fibre probe measurements of bubbly flow in hydraulic jumps. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 31, 1, pp. 141-154 (DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2004.09.004)
[2] Murzyn, F. and Bélorgey, M. (2005) Experimental investigation of the grid-generated turbulence features in a free surface flow. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 29, 8, pp. 925-935 (DOI: 10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2005.02.002).
[1] Murzyn, F. and Bélorgey, M. (2005) Wave influence on turbulence length scales in free surface channel flows. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 29, 2, pp. 179-187 (DOI: 10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2004.03.002).
Invited Keynotes
[1] Murzyn, F. (2010) Assessment of different experimental techniques to investigate the hydraulic jump: do they lead to the same results? Invited Keynote Lecture, Hydraulic structures: Useful water harvesting systems or relics?, Proceedings of the 3rd International Junior Researcher and Engineering Workshop on hydraulic Structures (IJREWHS’10), Edinburgh, Scotland, 2-3 May, Edited by Robert Janssen and Hubert Chanson, Hydraulic Model report CH80/10, School of civil Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 211 pages (ISBN 978-1-7427-2015-9), 18 pages.
Conférences internationales
[28] Huck, V., Elliff, T., Celikel, A. and Murzyn, F. (2020) Airport air quality – Evolution and state-of-the-art of methodologies and possible improvements, 3rd ECATS Conference, Making aviation environmentally sustainable, Gothenburg (Sweden), October, 13-15 (accepté)
[27] Levy-Louapre, W., Depuru-Mohan, K. and Murzyn, F. (2020) Numerical investigation of the ground clearance effects on the wake flow of a squared back Ahmed body, 55th 3AF on Applied Aerodynamics, Turbulent Flows in Aerodynamic Applications, Poitiers (France), March 23-25 (accepté)
[26] Blanchard, C., Balachandar, R. and Murzyn, F. (2020) Study of the interactions between tailpipe exhaust flow and Ahmed body wake, 5th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (TFEC), ASTFE, New Orleans (LA), 5-8 avril, paper TFEC-2020-31916 (accepté)
[25] Shen, C., Murzyn, F. and Fokoua, G. (2020) Experimental study of the interaction between two vehicles: the effect of the inter-vehicle distance on the recirculation zone, 5th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (TFEC), ASTFE, New Orleans (LA), 5-8 avril, paper TFEC-2020-31711 (accepté)
[24] Durand, A., Mehel, A., Murzyn, F., Puech, S. and Larrarte, F. (2019) CFD study of dispersion of particles generated by mechanical braking: application to trains in underground stations, 12th Word Congress on Railway Research (Railway Research to enhance the customer experience), Tokyo (Japan), October 28th – Nov 1st.
[23] Durand, A., Mehel, A., Murzyn, F., Puech, S. and Larrarte, F. (2019) Numerical study of particle dispersion emitted from train brakes in underground station, 23rd Transport and Air Pollution Conference, Thessaloniki (Greece), 15-17 mai.
[22] Rodriguez, R., Murzyn, F., Mehel, A. and Larrarte, F. (2019) Ultrafine particle dispersion in the wake of a squareback vehicle model, 23rd Transport and Air Pollution Conference, Thessaloniki (Greece), 15-17 mai.
[21] Lienhart, R., Jesudhas, V., Balachandar, R., Barron, R., Rodriguez, R. and Murzyn, F. (2019) CFD study of the flow around the Ahmed body, 4th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (TFEC), ASTFE, Las Vegas (NV), 14-17 april.
[20] Jesudhas, V., Murzyn, F. and Balachandar, R. (2018) IDDES evaluation of oscillating hydraulic jumps, River Flow 2018, 9th International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, Lyon-Villeurbanne, 5-8 september.
[19] Fokoua, G., Mehel, A. and Murzyn, F. (2017) Coherent structure induced dispersion of exhaust plume from heavy-duty truck, 22nd International Transport and Air Pollution Conference, Zurich, 15-16 novembre.
[18] Mehel, A., Murzyn, F., Joly, F., Bruge, B., Cuvelier, P., and Patte-Rouland, B. (2017) On-board measurements to assess in-cabin vehicle air quality in Paris, 22nd International Transport and Air Pollution Conference, Zurich, 15-16 novembre.
[17] Durand, A., Mehel, A., Murzyn, F., Fokoua, G. and Puech, S. (2017) Particle dispersion from railway rolling stock : preliminary results from wind tunnel experiments and CFD, 22nd International Transport and Air Pollution Conference, Zurich, 15-16 novembre.
[16] Rodriguez, R., Murzyn, F., Mehel, A. and Larrarte, F. (2017) Experimental study of the wake flow behind three road vehicle models, 23ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Lille, 28 août-1er septembre, 13 pages.
[15] Sidiki-Keïta, N., Mehel, A., Murzyn, F. Tanière A. and Diourte, B. (2017) Influence des structures tourbillonaires et de la turbulence sur la dispersion de nanoparticules de carbone, 23ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Lille, 28 août-1er septembre, 12 pages.
[14] Mehel, A. and Murzyn, F. (2016) Pollutant assessment in vehicle in-cabin: field and laboratory approaches, Third International Conference on Energy, Materials, Applied Energetics and Pollution, ICEMAEP, Constantine (Algérie), 30-31 octobre.
[13] Sidiki-Keita, N., Mehel, A., Murzyn, F., Diourte, B., Taniere, A. (2016) Numerical study of the dispersion of carbon particles in the near-wake of a cylinder, European Aerosol Conference, Tours, 4-9 septembre
[12] Mehel, A., Murzyn, F., Rodriguez, R. (2016) The interactions of the exhaust ultrafine particle with the vehicle near-wake flow, 21st International Transport and Air Pollution Conference, Lyon, 24-26 Mai
[11] Mehel, A. and Murzyn, F. (2015) Correlation between ultrafine particle dispersion and turbulence structure in the near-wake of a vehicle. International Conference on Fluid Control, Measurements and Visualization (Flucome 2015), Doha (Qatar), 15-18 Novembre.
[10] Wang, H., Murzyn, F. and Chanson, H. (2014) Pressure fluctuations and air-water flow properties in hydraulic jumps. “Hydraulic Structures and Society – Engineering Challenges and Extremes” The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, Proceedings of the 5th IAHR International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures (ISHS 2014), 25-27 June 2014, Brisbane, Australia, H. Chanson and L. Toombes Editors, 9 pages (DOI: 10.14264/uql.2014.34) (ISBN 978-1-74272-115-6).
[9] Mehel, A. and Murzyn, F. (2014) The influence of the vehicle near-wake on the exhausted ultrafine particle dispersion. Conference on Aerosol Technology, Karlsruhe (Germany), 16-18 June
[8] Murzyn, F. and Chanson, H. (2009) Non-intrusive measurement technique for dynamic free-surface characteristics in hydraulic jumps. Proceedings of the 33rd IAHR Biennial Congress, IAHR-ASCE-EWRI, Vancouver, Canada, 9-14 August, 3511-3518 (ISBN 978-90-78046-08-0), 8 pages.
[7] Chanson, H. and Murzyn, F. (2008) Froude similitude and scale effects affecting air entrainment in hydraulic jumps. Proceedings of World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008 Ahupua’a, ASCE-EWRI, 13-16 May, Hawaï, R.W. Badcock Jr and R. Walton Editors, Paper 262, 10 pages (ISBN 978-0-7844-0976-3)
[6] Mouazé, D., Murzyn, F. and Chaplin, J.R. (2004) Turbulence at free surface in hydraulic jumps. Proceedings of HT-FED 2004, ASME Heat Transfer / Fluids Engineering Summer Conference, Charlotte (USA), 11-15 July, 5 pages
[5] Murzyn, F. and Bélorgey, M. (2002) Application de la Vélocimétrie Laser 2D à la caractérisation spatio-temporelle de la turbulence en écoulement à surface libre. 2nd Colloque Méditerranéen Eau – Environnement, Blida (Algérie), 8-9 octobre 2002.
[4] Murzyn, F., and Bélorgey, M. (2002) Turbulence structure in free-surface channel flows. Hydraulic Measurements and Experimental Methods, ASCE, IAHR, EWRI, Estes Park (USA), July, 9 pages
[3] Murzyn, F., and Bélorgey, M. (2002) Modulation des échelles de turbulence sous l’action de la houle. 7èmes Journées Nationales Génie Civil – Génie Côtier, Anglet (France), 15-17 mai, 8 pages
[2] Murzyn, F., and Bélorgey, M. (2002) Influence of waves on turbulence scales, Waves phenomena Conference, Waves in fluids from microscopic to the planetary scale, Edmonton, Canada, 2001
[1] Murzyn, F., Chevalier, C., Colmard, C. and Bélorgey, M. (2000) Etude hydraulique de caissons semi-immergés en condition de similitude de Froude. 6èmes Journées Nationales Génie Civil – Génie Côtier, Caen (France), 17-19 mai, 9 pages
Autres conférences et travaux
[5] Rodriguez, R., Balou, D., Varéa, E., Murzyn, F., Mehel, A., Patte Rouland, B. and Larrarte, F. (2018) Correction des erreurs statistiques aléatoire et systématique par une nouvelle méthode de traitement LDV. Application aux écoulements de sillage d’un corps d’Ahmed, 16ème Congrès Francophone de Technique LASER (CFTL), Dourdan, 17-21 septembre.
[4] Mehel, A. and Murzyn, F. (2015) Characterization of ultrafine pollutant dispersion downstream of a car. Workshop sur la dépollution moteur, Pôle de Compétitivité Movéo, Caen (France), 21st April.
[3] Mehel, A. and Murzyn, F. (2015) Experimental study of ultrafine pollutant dispersion downstream of a car. P4TA – Certam International Workshop, Characterization of complex nanoaerosol emissions: metrology, health and environmental issues, Rouen (France), 24-25 March
[2] Berchet, A., Simon, B., Furgerot, L., Beaudoin, A., Rousseaux, G., Chatellier, L., Thomas, L., Jarny, S., Monnet, S., Huberson, S., Calluaud, D., David, L., Caplain, B., Reungoat, D., Chanson, H., Glockner, S., Lubin, P., Murzyn, F., Tessier, B., Mouazé, D. (2013) Processus hydro-sédimentaires du mascaret : modélisations physique et numérique, 14ème Congrès de l’Association des Sédimentologues de France, 4-5 Novembre, Paris
[1] Dunn, D.C., Peregrine, D.H., Chaplin, J.R., Mouazé, D. and Murzyn, F. (2003) Turbulence at the free surface. Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Avril, Le Croisic (France)
Research reports
[13] Mehel, A., Murzyn, F., Cuvelier, P., Deville Cavellin, L., Baudic, A., Patte Rouland, B., Varea, E. and Sioutas, C. (2019) Rapport final du projet CAPTIHV Caractérisation et Analyse des Polluants issus du Transport automobile et s’Infiltrant dans les habitacles des Véhicules, AAP CORTEA 2015, ADEME, 136 pages
[12] Mehel, A., Murzyn, F., Cuvelier, P., Joly, L. Deville-Cavellin, A. Baudic, F., Bruge, D. Balou, E. Varea, B., Patte Rouland, B. and Sioutas, C. (2017) Rapport avancement n°2 CAPTIHV, 81 pages
[11] Murzyn, F. and Mehel, A. (2017) Qualité de l’air dans les habitacles véhicules, Renault (Confidentiel)
[10] Bouillaut, V., Murzyn, F., Mehel, A. and Felder, S. (2017) Non stationary flow downstream of an Ahmed body: frequency analysis and preliminary assessment of the triple decomposition technique, WRL research Report, n°262, May 2017, 49 pages (ISBN: 978-0-7334-3725-0).
[9] Mehel, A, Murzyn, F., Cuvelier, P., Joly, F., Bruge, B., Patte Rouland, B. and Sioutas, C. (2016) Projet CAPTIHV – Rapport avancement n°1, 35 pages.
[8] Wang, H., Murzyn, F. and Chanson, H. (2014) Pressure, turbulence and two-phase flow measurements in hydraulic jumps. Hydraulic Model report N° CH95/14, School of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 154 pages (ISBN 978-1-74272-106-4).
[7] Murzyn, F. and Chanson, H. (2007) Free surface, bubbly flow and turbulence measurements in hydraulic jumps. Hydraulic Model report N° CH63/07, Division of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, August, 116 pages (ISBN 978-1-8649-9891-7).
[6] Bélorgey, M., Murzyn, F. (2002) Digue sud : Honfleur La Risle : étude de la stabilité des enrochements associé au Perré. Etude pour la restauration d’une digue endommagée par une tempête, Rapport de Contrat de Recherche, Port Autonome de Rouen, Laboratoire M2C, 31 pages
[5] Murzyn, F. (2002) Etude de l’influence d’une onde sur les échelles de turbulence. Application à la houle, Thèse de doctorat, Université de Caen, 201 pages
[4] Murzyn, F. (2000) Rapport d’avancement des travaux de thèse, Conseil régional de Basse Normandie, 8 pages.
[3] Bélorgey, M., Murzyn, F. (1999) Rapport intermédiaire, Programme Européen MITEC.
[2] Murzyn, F. (1998) Etude hydraulique de caissons semi-immergés parallélipipédique, BYBOP et Jarlan en condition de similitude de Froude. Mesures des coefficients de transmission, réflexion et des pressions, Rapport de DEA Energétique et Aérothermochimie, Université de Rouen, 55 pages (+ annexes)
[1] Murzyn, F. (1997) Etude du champ de vitesses au sein de l’écoulement généré par la houle sur des plages de faibles pentes dans la zone de déferlement, Rapport de stage de Maîtrise de Physique Appliquée, Université du Havre, 49 pages
[9] Murzyn, F. (2019) Contribution à la caractérisation expérimentale d’écoulements environnements turbulents, Séminaire ESIX Normandie, LUSAC, Cherbourg, 19 juin 2019.
[8] Rodriguez, R., Murzyn, F., Mehel, A. and Larrarte, F. (2016) Experimental study of nanoparticle dispersion in the wake of a vehicle model and their infiltration into passenger in-cabin, 2016 International Graduate Summer School in Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beihang University (Beiging), China 2016 July 12-21
[7] Murzyn, F., Furgerot, L., Mouazé, D., Tessier, B, Pérez, L. (2013) Experimental study of a tidal bore: free surface and velocity measurements, 1st Workshop on Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Geophysical Flows and Modeling, Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
[6] Murzyn, F. (2007) Les écoulements multiphasiques appliqués aux problèmes environnementaux. Le cas du ressaut hydraulique, Séminaire interne ESTACA à destination des étudiants.
[5] Murzyn, F. (2007) Research interests. Experimental works on hydraulic jumps, Intern seminar, Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
[4] Murzyn, F. (2005) Action de la houle sur les échelles de turbulence, Journées de Physique Statistique, ESPCI, Paris
[3] Murzyn, F. (2004) Turbulence dans les écoulements à surface libre, Cemagref, Aix en Provence
[2] Bélorgey, M., Murzyn, F. (2001) Ondes et turbulence, Symposium de l’Institut Saint Louis, Saint Louis.
[1] Murzyn, F. (2000) Technique d’analyse de la turbulence en écoulement non permanent : application à la houle, 6ème Journées Thématiques de l’Association Française de Vélocimétrie Laser (AFVL), Acquisition et traitement de données Laser, Meudon
[10] Le Vern, M., Razakamanantsoa, A., Murzyn, F. and Larrarte, F. (2020) Etude expérimentale des mécanismes de conditions d’envol des poussières. Application aux chantiers de terrassement, Journées Techniques Route, 5-6 février, Nantes
[9] Rodriguez, R., Murzyn, F., Mehel, A. and Larrarte, F. (2016) Experimental study of The Wake flow behind three road vehicle models, 1st ESTACA International Week « Green Transportation », ESTACA Campus Ouest, Laval, France, 14th-16th november.
[8] Sidiki-Keita, N., Mehel, A., Murzyn, F., Diourte, B., Taniere, A. (2016) Numerical study of the dispersion of carbon particles in the near-wake of a cylinder, 1st ESTACA International Week, ESTACA Campus Ouest, Laval (France), 14-16 novembre
[7] Murzyn, F. and Mehel, A. (2016) CAPTIHV project, 1st ESTACA International Week, ESTACA Campus Ouest, Laval (France), 14-16 novembre.
[6] Rodriguez, R., Murzyn, F., Méhel, A., Larrarte, F. (2016) Experimental study of nanoparticle dispersion in the wake of a vehicle model and their infiltration into passenger compartment, Ecole de Physique des Houches, Les Houches
[5] Méhel, A., Murzyn, F. (2015) Le Projet CAPTIHV. Caractérisation et Analyse des Polluants issus du Transport automobile s’Infiltrant dans les Habitacles des Véhicules
[4] Murzyn, F. and Mehel, A. (2014) Contribution expérimentale à l’étude de la dispersion de polluants particulaires. Application au domaine automobile. Fête de la Science, Laval, 2014
[3] Wang, H., Murzyn, F. and Chanson, H. (2014) Turbulence and two-phase flow in hydraulic jumps
[2] Murzyn, F. and Chanson, H. (2007) Turbulence and hydraulic jumps: free surface and bubbly flow measurements
[1] Murzyn, F. (2002) Wave influence on turbulence length scales in free-surface channel flows, Présentation des résultats de thèse, Université de Caen
Mécanique des fluides expérimentale, écoulements multiphasiques, turbulence, soufflerie, mesures de terrain
Qualité de l’air et Dépollution dans les transports
Dispersion de polluants gazeux et particulaires dans les transports
Ecoulements de sillage
Synthèse des Publications
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science : 5 papers
Environmental Fluid Mechanics : 3 papers
Atmospheric Pollution Research : 3 papers
Experiments in Fluids : 2 papers
Atmosphere : 2 papers
Chemical Engineering Research and Design : 1 paper
Flow Measurement and Instrumentation : 1 paper
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics : 1 paper
International Journal of Multiphase Flow : 1 paper
Journal of Fluids Engineering : 1 paper
Journal of Hydraulic Research : 1 paper
International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research : 1 paper
Projets de recherche en cours ou terminés
SNCF : Dispersion des particules de freinage de trains en entrée de gares souterraines, thèse Antoine Durand (2018-2021). Collaboration : Samuel Puech
University of Windsor : Tailpipe influence on particle dispersion in the wake of a car model, hydraulic jumps. Collaboration : Ram Balachandar
Université de Rouen : Interaction entre 2 véhicules automobiles : application à la dispersion de polluants, thèse Oumaima Oussairan (2019-2022). Collaboration : Béatrice Patte-Rouland et Emilien Varéa
Université Gustave Eiffel : Envol de poussières sur les chantiers de terrassement, thèse Mickaël Le Vern (2018-2021), Collaboration : Frédérique Larrarte, Andry Razakamanantsoa et Bogdan Muresu Paslaru.
Sichuan University : Environmental shear flows in air and water: experimental investigations, grant from Sichuan University (2020-2021). Collaboration : Hang Wang
University of Cranfield : Ground clearance, rolling road and scale effects in wake flows (Thèse Edwin Duran Garcia, 2020-2023). Collaboration : Karthik Depuru Mohan
University of Thessaloniki : Air quality in car cabin and pollutant dispersion. Collaboration : Nicolas Moussiopoulos et Fotios Barmpas
Comités de suivis individuels de thèse
Lucille Furgerot (Université de Caen, 2010-2014)
Xuan-Trinh Truong (Université Gustave Eiffel, 2020-2023)
Rapporteur pour 1 thèse (Asma Beji, Université Gustave Eiffel, 2020)
Encadrements et co-encadrements
Hang Wang (2010-2014) : PhD, The University of Queensland, Associate supervisor, Turbulence and air entrainment in hydraulic jumps, (2014 University of Queensland Dean’s Award for outstanding research higher degree thesis ; 2014 Lorenz G Straub award), financement International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (Australian Government)
Romain Rodriguez (2015-2018) : Etude expérimentale de la dispersion de nanoparticules issues de l’échappement d’un véhicule et de leur infiltration dans les habitacles (co-encadrant), financement : ESTACA
Namamoudou Sidiki-Keita (2015-2018) Etude numérique de la dispersion de nanoparticules issues de l’échappement d’un véhicule, (co-tutelle France/Mali, co-encadrant), financement : Ambassade de France au Mali
Antoine Durand (2018-2021) Dispersion des particules issues du freinage d’un train dans une gare souterraine (co-encadrant), financement : SNCF (CIFRE)
Mickaël Le Vern (2018-2021) Etude de l’envol de poussières sur les chantiers de terrassement (co-encadrant), financement Région Pays de la Loire / Fédération Nationale des Travaux Publics
Oumaima Oussairan (2019-2022) Etude de l’interaction entre 2 véhicules automobiles. Application à la dispersion de polluants particulaires en sillage proche (co-directeur), financement ESTACA / Région Normandie
Edwin Duran Garcia (2020-2023) Etude de l’influence de la garde au sol, d’un plancher défilant et des effets d’échelle sur l’écoulement de sillage se développant à l’aval d’un corps d’Ahmed. Application à la dispersion de polluants, (co-directeur), cotutelle avec l’université de Cranfield (UK)
Bachar Obeid (2021-2024) Etude des mécanismes d’inhibition et de rabattement des poussières : application aux chantiers de terrassement (directeur), financement ESTACA, collaboration Université Gustave Eiffel
Bachelor and Master thesis
Hanane Nechad (2000, DEA Génie Côtier / Génie Civil, encadrant principal)
Malek Abdelkrim (2000, DEA Génie Côtier / Génie Civil, co-encadrant)
Hichem Longou (2014, Master 2 Recherche Dynamique des Fluides et Energétique, Toulouse, encadrant principal)
Vincent Bouillaut (2016, L3, co-encadrant), University of New South Wales (Australia)
Antoine Durand (2017, Master 2, ESTACA, co-encadrant)
Corentin Leibenguth (2017, Master 1, ESTACA, co-encadrant), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece)
Etienne Pagès (2018, Master 2, co-enccadrant)
Jean Habib Nemer (2018, Master 1, co-encadrant), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece)
Emmanuel Rolin (2018, Master 2, co-encadrant)
Raphaël Lienhart (2018, Master 1, co-encadrant), University of Windsor (Canada)
Camille Blanchard (2019, Master 1, co-encadrant), University of Windsor (Canada)
William Levy-Louapre (2019, Master 1, co-encadrant), Cranfield University (UK)
Chenhao Shen (2019, Master 2, co-encadrant)
Edwin Duran Garcia (2020, Master 2, co-encadrant)
Bachar Obeid (2021, Master 2, co-encadrant)
Mesures de terrain et embarquées
Participation dans différentes campagnes de mesures : instrumentation d’une digue (Dieppe, France, 1999), recherches en mer Baltique (Helsinki, Finlande, 1999), canal à houle (Delta Flume, Pays Bas, 2003), estuaire sub-tropical (Eprapah creek, Australie, 2007), mascaret (Baie du Mont Saint Michel, 2010-2014, France), qualité de l’air habitacle véhicule (CAPTIHV, 2015-2019, France)
Activités de reviewing
Reviewer pour une vingtaine de revues, rapports scientifiques, éditeurs scientifiques, conférences…
Universités de Rouen, Nancy
Universities of Windsor (Canada), Cranfield (UK), Brisbane (Australia), Sydney (Australia), Roma (Italy), Thessaloniki (Greece), Bamako (Mali), Southern California (USA), Chengdu (Chine)
Université Gustave Eiffel, Airparif
Renault, SNCF (CIM)
Cours, TD Mecanique des Fluides (L1/L2)
Cours, TD Thermodynamique (L1/L2)
TP Aérodynamique (L3)
Projets étudiants (L3/M1/M2)
Suivi étudiants (immersion, Projets de Fin d’Etudes)
Responsable Pédagogique L3 (Campus ouest)
Summer Program (in english) : Fluid Mechanics
Autres cours : Grandeurs Physiques (L1), Ondes (L2), TP Physique (L1/L2/L3), Optique (L1), Electromagnétisme (L1), Hydrodynamique (M1), Machines Hydrauliques (L3), Mécanique (L1), Mécanique des Milieux Continus (L3)…