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Becoming a Pilot, a Dream Come True for Many ESTACA Graduates

26 September 2024

The dual engineer / airline pilot program is widely appreciated by airlines, and is a real asset in career development. How exactly do you get into this dream job that sometimes seems out of reach? ESTACA graduates Johan, Chloé, Antoine and Arthur talk about how they became airline pilots.

Many Roads to Becoming a Pilot

Many ESTACA students dream of becoming airline pilots and opt for a dual program. Engineering studies provide work methods, understanding of how an aircraft works and how the different systems interact. These skills are highly valued by airlines and pilot training schools. The dual engineer/pilot program often leads to interesting career paths.

There are several ways to become a pilot: join one of France’s two leading schools, ENAC (Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile) or the Ecole de l’Air et de l’Espace, choose to specialize at a private flying school in France or abroad (ESTACA, for example, has set up a partnership with Aéropyrénées, enabling students to start their training on completion of their studies) or, after their ESTACA diploma, join an airline offering training under the “Cadets” program. Many ESTACA graduates have gone on to become airline pilots. Here are a few testimonials from their various experiences.

Johan, airline pilot with Transavia thanks to the Air France Cadet program

Airline companies recruit future pilots and train them in “Cadet” programs. At Air France, for example, around 90% of recruits are engineers. They complete a 24-month training course at partner schools and then at the Air France training center, while receiving a salary from the company. Every year, several ESTACA graduates are selected for these programs at Air France and other airlines.

« Air France cadets are selected in 3 stages, with a series of tests: mental arithmetic, spatial orientation, English language, general knowledge, psycho-technical tests, psychomotor tests, attention tests, etc. Then there is a test with a problem to be solved as a team. Good emotional intelligence is essential in today's cockpits. Our training at ESTACA, whether through classes, practicals or association projects, prepares us well for these tests: we're used to teamwork, commitment, pragmatism and adaptability in the face of the unexpected... For my part, I was very involved in the Flying West association when I was at school. We shared our passion for aeronautics and motivated each other. We wanted to be pilots and today everyone is in their own company, following their own path. I don’t think I would have passed the Air France cadet selection without having attended ESTACA. My advice to those who dream of becoming a pilot: don't be afraid of a few setbacks, anyone can do it. You have to believe in it right to the end, and not give up. Almost every European airline has an ESTACA pilot working for them today.  »
Johan Lichtner
ESTACA 2020 graduate and currently Transavia airline pilot

Chloé and Antoine, pilots for AstonJet, now fly missions for Hôpitaux de Paris.

Chloé Bignon (2018 graduate) and Antoine Martorana (2015 graduate), trained at a private flight school after graduating from ESTACA. They then opted for business aviation, and today work as pilots for the ASTONJET company based in Le Bourget. They carry out a wide variety of missions, ranging from medical flights for the urgent transport of organs to Paris hospitals, to private flights for VIPs.

Now colleagues, they recently worked together on a medical mission to take a heart surgeon to Angers to retrieve a heart for transplant to a recipient in Paris.

« “After two years at the PCSI/PC preparatory school, ESTACA was the obvious choice for me, with its specialized training in aeronautics, renowned lecturers, specialist courses and top-quality partnerships (AIRBUS, THALES, SAFRAN...). To become an airline pilot after graduating from ESTACA, I followed the classic route of doing ATPL training. Before starting my training, I had absolutely no flying time and I learned everything during my studies. I chose a school abroad to speak English with experienced native speakers, the lower cost and speed of learning also motivated my choice. The main advantage of being an ESTACA engineer before starting pilot training is that you acquire a huge theoretical background to be able to tackle the theoretical ATPL modules. ESTACA also provides a more global and contextualized view of an airline pilot's job (aspects of the aeronautics market, financial, operational and analytical aspects). What's more, the alumni network is very powerful, providing invaluable contacts in the aeronautics industry, and I realize that ESTACA is a real breeding ground for airline pilots.”  »
Chloé Bignon
2018 graduate and airline pilot in business aviation

Today, Chloé is a business aviation pilot at Paris-Le Bourget airport, flying for companies and individuals, and provides numerous flights for the Paris Hospitals :

« “Organ transport is what drives me most: they are often night missions and I'm delighted to be helping to save lives. The 24-hour on-call duty, sleepless nights and long waiting hours during collection are demanding, but the adrenalin generated by the importance of such missions, the constant adaptability required to deal with the hazards encountered on the ground and in the air, and the lack of monotony make me love this job. Every flight is different, and having the opportunity to land a jet on small French airfields is great, making the flying experience even better! My fondest memory of a medical flight was on a mission to Bordeaux. We went in the middle of the night with 3 different planes, 6 pilots and 6 doctors. Each pair came to collect an organ, and the same donor would help save three separate lives that night.”  »
Chloé Bignon
2018 graduate and airline pilot in business aviation

A final word from Chloé to the girls :

« For young girls who dream of becoming pilots but are afraid to take the plunge into this rather masculine field, I have just one piece of advice: go for it! At Astonjet, I'm the only female flight crew, but my male colleagues are extremely supportive. Attitudes are changing and women are more than welcome in the piloting profession!  »
Chloé Bignon
2018 graduate and airline pilot in business aviation

Découvrez aussi en video, Arthur, diplômé 2017, pilote de ligne pour DHL :

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