Sebastien SAUDRAIS

Adresse postale

Campus Ouest Parc Universitaire Laval-Changé
Rue Georges Charpak - Cedex 9 BP76121
53061 Laval

+33 (0)2 43 59 47 22

Communications internationales

Godot J, Saudrais S, Alif A, Barbedette B, Larouci C. Safety analysis generation from prototyping models for transportation systems, SAC 2016, 31st ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 04-08/04/2016, Pise, Italie

Loulou H, Saudrais S, Soubra H, Larouci C. Towards antipatterns-based model checking, PATTERNS 2016 Eight International Conference on Pervasive Patterns and Applications, 20-24/03/2016, Rome, Italie

Tchakaloff B, Saudrais S, Babau J-P. Efficient models configuration for an electric vehicle energy management software, SEAA 2014 Euromicro Conference Series on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, 27-29/08/2014, Verone, Italie

Tchakaloff B, Saudrais S, Babau J-P. Integration of physical models in the ORQA framework for electric vehicle energy management, WCOP’14 19 International doctoral Symposium on Components and Architecture, p. 7-12, 30/06/2014, Lille, France

Lau K.K, Stepan P, Tran C.M, Saudrais S, Tchakaloff B. A holistic (component-based) approach to Autosar designs, 39th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications SEAA 2013, 04-06/09/2013, Santander, Espagne

Tchakaloff B, Saudrais S, Babau J.P. ORQA: modeling energy and quality of service within Autosar models, Quality of Software Architecture (QOSA), 17-21/06/2013, Vancouver, Canada

Chaaban K, Rizoug N, Barbedette B, Saudrais S. Model-based Development of an Embedded Steering-by-wire System, ISMA 2012, 10-12/04/2012, Sharjah, Emirats Arabes Unis

Daghsen A, Chaaban K, Saudrais S. Software function allocation and configuration of an AUTOSAR-compliant system, SAE 2012 World Congress & Exhibition, 24-26/04/2012, Detroit, USA

Daghsen A, Chaaban K, Saudrais S, Shawky M. Model transformation and scheduling analysis of an autosar system, ESA11, 18-21/07/2011, Las Vegas, USA

Saudrais S, Chaaban K. Automatic relocation of autosar components among several ecus, 14th International ACM SIGSOFT symposium on Component-based sofware engineering CBSE’11, 21-23/06/2011, Boulder, USA

Chaaban K, Leserf P, Saudrais S. Steer-by-wire development using AUTOSAR methodology, IEEE ETFA 09, 22-26/09/2009, Palma de Majorque, Espagne

Saudrais S, Staikopoulos A, Clarke S. Using Specification Models for RunTime Adaptations, Proceedings of the Models@Runtime workshop at Models 2009, 4-9/10/2009, Denver, USA


Loulou H, Saudrais S, Soubra H, Larouci C. Efficiency monitoring dynamic data-streams in smart cities, CIEL 2015, 4ème conférence en Ingénierie du logiciel, 09-11/06/2015, Bordeaux, France

Aubry J, Azib T, Chaaban K, Gillet S, Lefeuve J, Mehel A, Murzyn F, Saudrais S, Sehab R. L’initiation des étudiants au domaine de la recherche en école d’ingénieurs : l’exemple des projets PIRATE à l’ESTACA, Revue 3EI, N° 76, 2014

Tchakaloff B, Saudrais S, Babau J.P. ORQA : modélisation de l’énergie et de la qualité de service, 3ème Conférence en Ingénierie du Logiciel CIEL 2014, 10-12/06/2014, Paris, France

Tchakaloff B, Saudrais S, Babau J.P. Modèles et transformations de modèles pour l’introduction de la consommation énergétique dans le standard Autosar, Conférence en Ingénierie du Logiciel CIEL, 19-21/06/2012, Rennes, France

Saudrais S. Qualité de service temporel pour composants logiciels, Editions Universitaires Européennes, 01-2011

Daghsen A, Chaaban K, Saudrais S, Leserf P. Applying Holistic Distributed Scheduling to AUTOSAR Methodology, ERTS 2010, 19-21 mai 2010, Toulouse, France

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