3rd place in the Move on the Moon competition

On the occasion of the 73rd International Astronautical Congress (IAC), the CNES organised a major competition to strengthen its ties with French Higher Education.
A team of students from ESTACA decided to enter, to demonstrate their interest in space and innovation in lunar exploration. The aim of the competition was to create a lunar robot (rover) capable of carrying a spaceman and lunar soil samples. Electric, autonomous, rechargeable… there were many technical constraints to be taken into account by our students!
Student project in the space sector
9 ESTACA students, from the space, automotive and aeronautical options, formed a team, supervised by teacher-researchers and working engineers, to enter an innovative lunar rover in the competition.
An innovative moon rover
The student engineers focused on the tyres and the rover’s heat protection.
For the tyres, they received support from Michelin, who provided them with very precise documentation on a model of tyre that they adapted to their lunar rover.
For heat protection, they developed an aerogel solution, a super-insulator composed mainly of gas.
Strong ISAE group presence at the competition
Three schools from the ISAE group were selected among the competition’s finalists! In addition to ESTACA, ISAE-Supaéro and ISAE-Supméca also presented their project at the IAC for the grand finale of the competition organised by the CNES.