Aeronautical | Aerospace | Ecological transition | Programs

Changing Programs to Better Meet Transportation Challenges

4 October 2024

ESTACA is always listening to the needs of industry to adapt its courses and train engineers to meet their expectations as closely as possible. Last year, it created a department devoted to sustainable and responsible engineering, which continues to evolve. This year, it is opening two new 5th year options.

IDEAL (Ingénierie Durable et rEsponsAbLe) Celebrates One Year

ESTACA announced it was restructuring its engineering training program in September 2023, launching the IDEAL department to respond to the changing face of mobility and further existing training by strengthening the skills of future engineers in reducing the environmental footprint of transport. One year after its launch, the results are very positive. Students can now attend an autumn climate program with educational workshops, a series of lectures open to all students and featuring keynote speakers, new course modules (life cycle assessment, smart cities, carbon footprint calculation, low-carbon resource and energy issues, AI and data sciences, etc.), new options in decarbonization, electrification and eco-design. A revamped skills assessment grid has also been made available to emphasize skills related to environmental and societal issues.

In this context, ESTACA is once again continuing its series of lectures entitles “Transition Wednesdays”, focusing on topics arising from IPCC reports, resource issues (in the broadest sense, energy and materials), and the technological breakthroughs and industrial changes needed to decarbonize the transport sector.

More about the purpose of the video conferences:

New options in the aeronautics and aerospace programs

This year, ESTACA is also launching a final-year option dedicated to innovation and decarbonization in the aeronautics sector. Built around core modules such as eco-design, life cycle analysis, sustainable fuels, impact metals and management, it is available on the Bordeaux campus. ESTACA is hosting 15 5th year students. With this option, the School will be training engineers ready to contribute to the deployment of concrete, innovative solutions for achieving carbon neutrality and significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

As part of the continued overhaul of its aerospace program, ESTACA is also offering 5th year students new options in orbital systems and space vehicles, with most courses taught entirely in English.

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