ESTACA promotes and builds diversity awareness among it’s students

Diversity and inclusion are key issues for the world of tomorrow. Diversity fosters innovation, creativity and better team performance, therefore companies encourage inclusion and seek engineers that are aware. ESTACA addresses these issues during the diversity week with a dedicated day on its 2 campuses.
Throughout the year, ESTACA addresses issues related to diversity and the prevention of discrimination through its BECOM-ING module (Business, Ethics, Communication, Organization, Management, Professional Integration and Innovation, Management) set up to develop soft skills within the training. There are also events dedicated to awareness.
During the diversity week, which was held from March 1st to the 12th, the school organized an awareness day on its Laval and Paris-Saclay campuses in collaboration with the student association RHEA (Rassemblement pour l’Humain, l’Environnement et l’Avenir). Objective: to promote the inclusion of everyone in both professional and daily life.
The day was structured around three diversity themes: disability inclusion, cultural diversity and gender. It was marked by:
– disability awareness workshops organized in conjuction with partner companies, such as Colas Rail, Assystem, SII, Laval Virtual, and Handisport Department Committees from Yvelines, Mayenne and Handisport 53
– discussions with the association of “women engineers”, ESTACA graduates and international students shared their ideas on gender equality and cultural diversity
– presentations on innovative projects carried out at ESTACA to promote inclusion: a catamaran project accessible to people with reduced mobility created by the ESTACA Sailing association and a project for driving a kart with a visual impairment, presented by ESTACA’Lab students and teacher-researchers
– a theater workshop focused on the question : “How to accept others and accept your own differences” and a workshop entitled: “Draw racism”.
– Finally, two conferences were offered: “Responsible Artificial Intelligence: Down with Bias!” presented by Tea RUKAVINA, Artificial Intelligence Engineer at Orano and : “Rebounding, surpassing oneself and adapting to the company” with Vladimir VINCHON, Paralympic equestrian champion and Handiamo.