ESTACA well placed in the 2022 rankings

In January, the press publishes its annual ranking of engineering schools. L’Usine Nouvelle and L’Etudiant have revealed their latest rankings and place ESTACA 13th among the best post-bac engineering schools. The media enables internet users to define their own criteria for a personalized ranking. For example, according to L’Etudiant, ESTACA is ranked 5th among post-baccalaureate schools for its proximity to companies, a strong point for the school for many years.
To produce these rankings, journalists rely in part on data collected and certified by the CTI (Commission des Titres d’Ingénieurs) and the CDEFI (Conference of Directors of French Engineering Schools). They choose certain indicators concerning academic excellence, international openness and proximity to companies.
ESTACA ranked in Group A of the Student's Guide
According to the 2022 L’Etudiant ranking, ESTACA is one of the best engineering schools ranked in group A. The school comes 5th for proximity to companies or 13th in the general rankings, from the 82 post-bac engineering schools ranked. Out of all 172 engineering schools, in 3 and 5 years, ESTACA is ranked 45th in the general ranking this year and 14th concerning proximity to businesses.

ESTACA ranked 13th by L’Usine Nouvelle
Even though L’Usine Nouvelle has changed its criteria slightly due to the specific situation of the health crisis, it has continued to value professional integration of graduates, the proximity of the School to companies, the quality of research and the international dimension. According to these criteria, ESTACA is ranked 13th among post-baccalaureate schools and 27th among 3-year and 5-year schools. A minimum of 12 months of internships during their studies, the involvement of professionals in classes (70% of teaching staff), and academic projects linked to companies are all assets that provide ESTACA students with pragmatic experience of the world of work and the sectors they will be working in after graduation.
ESTACA 2nd best transport engineering school for Le Figaro
Le Figaro journalists forgot ESTACA in the post-baccalaureate schools this year, but it does appear in the ranking of transport schools and lies in 2nd place behind ISAE-SUPAERO, a school that is also a member of the ISAE Group, a global training and research center in aeronautical and space engineering. Once again, ESTACA stands out for its proximity to businesses (16.6/20). The School is very close to its partners, both in France and abroad, and has a very strong alumni network.
More about the rankings...
Rankings are highly regarded but only partially reflect the quality of a school. Depending on the survey methods and criteria used, the results can differ greatly from one year to the next. We advise you to get information about courses in other ways: Open days, exchanges with professionals in the target sector, students and school graduates, etc. Cross referencing information often makes it more relevant.