
ISAE GROUP – “Women in aeronautics and space” charter signed

23 March 2023

Given the under-representation of women in certain sectors of the aeronautics, space, air transport, airport and armed forces industries, in 2021 the Air Emploi association created a charter entitled “Féminisons les métiers de l’aéronautique et du spatial” (Bringing women into the aeronautics and space sector). ESTACA has signed this charter with other schools in the ISAE Group.

The charter includes major companies and institutions in the sectors concerned (professional federations, companies, higher education establishments) as well as the French Navy and Air Force.

The ISAE group (which includes France’s leading aeronautical schools: ISAE-SUPAERO, ISAE-ENSMA, ISAE-SUPMECA, Ecole de l’Air et de l’Espace, ENAC and ESTACA) signed the charter on 8 March 2023, International Women’s Rights Day. By signing the charter, for a period of 2 years, members undertake to:

  • Implement an HR policy that promotes gender diversity and share best practices between member companies and institutions.
  • Identify target professions to encourage women into and contribute to the gender equality observatory in the airline sector.
  • Contribute to initiatives to encourage women throughout the year (round tables, forums, site visits, career workshops, biennial competition, 8 March Day).
  • Contribute to the creation or pooling of communication media (videos of women in the workplace, testimonial videos, teasers for women, etc.) to create a dedicated media library.
  • Promote the “Féminisons les métiers…” label on its website and/or via social networks.

ESTACA is joining this scheme by continuing to develop actions it has implemented for several years:

  • Highlighting the careers of graduates
  • Actions in partnership with the association “Elles Bougent” to raise awareness among young girls of the opportunities offered by careers in engineering (meetings between female engineers, students and secondary school pupils to discover careers in transport and energy).
  • Participation in competitions organised by associations such as the Ingénieuses challenge (CDEFI).
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