L’Etudiant 2019 Rankings – ESTACA in 4th Position
of private third-level schools for academic excellence
ESTACA is placed in the top ten best third-level schools for academic excellence in the L’Etudiant ranking of the best engineering schools. It ranks in joint 4th place in the group B post-bac schools in the general L’Etudiant ranking. It ranks joint 11th in the general ranking of 75 schools with a preparatory cycle recruiting at baccalaureate level.
Teaching excellence, meeting the expectations of the corporate world, and guaranteed jobs for graduates are all criteria that work in the school’s favor.
The website letudiant.fr also offers rankings with configurable criteria. Depending on the criteria selected, ESTACA ranks at the top of the list for many of them: Graduate salary, teachers from industry, school specializing in transport.

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