List: ESTACA, 6th third-level school according to Le Figaro

Le Figaro has just published its 2023 ranking of third-level engineering schools. Based academic excellence, international outlook and employment of young graduates, this ranking puts ESTACA in 6th place among the best post-baccalaureate (post-secondary) schools. Other rankings were published this year, with different positions depending on the criteria used.
Le Figaro ranks ESTACA 6th among third-level engineering schools
Omitted from the general ranking of third-level schools in 2022 and ranked only among transport engineering schools (2nd after ISAE-SUPAERO), this year ESTACA comes 6th in the Le Figaro third-level engineering schools rankings. Based on data certified by the Commission des Titres d’Ingénieurs (CTI) and Parcoursup, this ranking takes into account academic excellence (based on the level of students and the quality of supervision), international experience (internships and academic stays abroad) and professional integration (salaries, time taken to find the first job, dynamism of the alumni network, etc.).

2023 Ranking of the best third-level schools
L’Etudiant, l’Usine Nouvelle, Challenges: different criteria, different ranking
The results of various rankings published in the press vary according to the criteria used. They may even change from one year to the next.
Although ranked 13th third-level school last year by l’Etudiant, this year ESTACA appears in 29th place because the data taken into account has changed. Some criteria, such as academic excellence, proximity to companies and international outlook, have disappeared, while others that are less favourable to ESTACA are now taken into account, such as gender parity and the number of students on sandwich courses (the school’s specialist options attract fewer girls and ESTACA only introduced sandwich courses last year). However, ESTACA is still ranked in Group A and is therefore one of the top third-level engineering schools.
In Usine Nouvelle’s 2023 ranking, ESTACA is ranked 9th out of 74 third-level engineering schools (up from 13th last year). This ranking places particular emphasis on the integration of graduates into the job market, with four main criteria taken into account: integration, international dimension, proximity to companies and research.
Lastly, Challenges selects ESTACA as one of the twelve best third-level schools, taking into account baccalaureate grades, starting salaries, the alumni network, the proportion of foreign students and the school’s international reputation.
Generally speaking, rankings only partly reflect the reality of what a school has to offer. We advise you to get information about courses in other ways: Open days, exchanges with professionals in the target sector, students and school graduates, etc.