Space option: a new tool to discover the actors of the Newspace

For the start of the 2022 academic year, ESTACA is offering additional courses in the space sector. The space option can now be chosen from third year onwards allowing for a three-year course instead of the previous two. The aim is to rebalance courses on launchers and satellites over three years and offer a specialisation course in 5th year on promising future themes. This new configuration gives greater priority to new companies in “New space”, due to the emergence of the new private space industry over the last twenty years and to new space applications.
As part of this reform and to enable students to get to know all the new actors in New Space, a new database is available to students. Designed by Thomas Garnier, joint head of the space program, and produced with two ESTACA students (Nicolas Thierry and Théo Hannoun), this database showcases the multiplicity of actors in the sector (more than 750 companies, laboratories, universities and organisations listed) and the wealth of career opportunities.
The tool will allow everyone to benefit from an open source of information showing the diversity in the sector, the new skills expected and in general, new ways of designing and operating space systems.
Students can independently get in touch with any actors that interest them to better understand career opportunities. ESTACA students will also be involved in managing the database, adding new companies encountered during their research to complete and enrich the tool.