Cultural, humanitarian and business oriented societies

The Bureau Des Arts is a non-technical student association in Laval and Saint Quentin en Yvelines. Throughout the year, the BDA organises student events such as photo competitions, concerts, plays, etc.
Many activities are offered on the 2 ESTACA sites:
On the Paris Saclay Campus, the BDA proposes:
- A drawing club for making posters, weekly drawing themes and a drawing competition.
- A video club that is preparing two short films: a 5-minute ad and a 20-minute detective film. The films will be shown at the school.
- A music club with two bands that rehearse every week and prepare concerts and recordings. The groups are also available to play at events (award ceremonies, galas, etc.). The club also offers free guitar lessons to ESTACA students on Thursday afternoons.
- A photo club offering classes and themed outings, exhibitions, competitions and coverage of ESTACA student association activities.
- A theatre group that offers acting coaching and preparation of a show with a professional theatre professor.
- A journalism club is currently being studied, with the aim of starting an association journal describing and following the activities of the associations.
The BDA is a constantly changing association where each new student activity idea is studied carefully and proposed to all students on the campus.
On West Campus, the BDA proposes:
- A music club: students can learn and play in a group to appear at the school but also in Laval (bars, concert rooms). Lessons are also offered.
- A photo club: outings are organised (Mont Saint Michel, Saint Malo, Laval), students can cover events organised by the other associations, several themed competitions are organised throughout the year and beginner classes are provided.
- A dance club: twice a month a rock ‘n’ roll dance session is organised. Instructor-led group lessons are also offered during the year.
- A wine-tasting club: learn to taste wine by taking part in sessions organised by the Mayenne Oenology Club.
- A cooking club: cooking workshops are organised for students.
- A theatre club: workshops on technique and strategy for good public speaking. A play is put on in the second semester.
- A book club: new for this year! Small reading groups are organised to discuss and debate literary works. A writing competition is organised on both campuses.
Campus: ESTACA Paris Saclay et ESTACA Campus Ouest
Contacts: /
Campus: ESTACA Paris-Saclay
Facebook: BDA-Estaca-732952610155242
Instagram: bda_estaca
Campus: ESTACA Campus-Ouest
Facebook: BDA-Estaca-Laval-2015-2016
Instagram: bda_estaca_laval

ESTACAIDE has been working since 2001 to enhance children’s living conditions and in particular their access to school. Every year, a group of members spend over a month in a foreign country to provide physical and financial assistance to populations in need. Whether they are organising children’s workshops or working on a construction site, ESTACAIDE volunteers are committed to sharing their knowledge and their know-how. Following Vietnam for several years and then Madagascar, Cambodia is now the focus of the international mission.
Also very recently, a local action group was set up, specially devoted to the most vulnerable around us.
Missions with local associations such as the Secours Populaire Français, the Restos du Cœur and the Croix-Rouge are conducted all year round. Collecting food and clothing, ESTACAIDE volunteers provide help and support.
Campus: ESTACA Paris-Saclay et ESTACA Campus-Ouest
Adresse e-mail: /
Facebook: Estacaide
Instagram: estacaide
Scientific experiments explained to the youngest
The association PÉGASE (Project of general awakening to the scientific activities in school) initiates the Children to science through simple and fun experiments.
PÉGASE Paris-Saclay intervenes every week in classes from CE1 to CM2 and also at the pediatric and rehabilitation hospital of Bullion every two weeks.
On the West Campus, the association transmits science in a high school and to sick childrens at the hospital of Laval.
Since 2001, a Senegalese branch of PÉGASE has been working on the territory in the local college. Every year, a 2 weeks humanitarian trip is organized to Senegal to visit their partner. They also take this opportunity to bring new experiments in the colleges of the cities of
Diourbel and Ngoundiane.
The association also participate in other events such as the Science Day, the robotics trophies and sustainable development day.
Campus: ESTACA Paris-Saclay et ESTACA Campus-Ouest
Contacts :
Facebook: PegaseAssociation
Youtube: Pegasestaca
Instagram: associationpegase
Raising awareness about people, the environment and the future
Rhéa (Rassemblement pour l’Humain, l’Environnement et l’Avenir) is an association that aims to work for a world more respectful of humans and the environment. It covers three areas: sustainable development, societal causes (discrimination, health, etc.) and personal development.
To promote these values, it works with other ESTACA associations and directly with students by organizing events: sponsored afterwork events for new students, a “clean up day” organized with the local authorities to raise awareness about waste collection and sorting, and awareness of energy transition through the organization of a “Climate Fresco” workshop.
Campus: ESTACA Paris-Saclay
Facebook: Rhea.78310
Instagram: rhea.estaca
Junior ESTACA Paris Saclay
Since 1983, the association has been offering companies the opportunity to have technical studies carried out by students at ESTACA.
These “studies” are paid assignments, which must be related to the teaching provided at ESTACA. Within the School, Junior Initiative ESTACA organises conferences and visits to sites, with the aid of its most loyal partners.
We allow :
- Companies to work with students, while benefiting from financial advantages
- Students to acquire experience via rewarding and remunerated assignments,
- The school to demonstrate the quality of its teaching,
- Administrators to develop their spirit of initiative and their skills in business management.
Campus: ESTACA Paris Saclay
Site internet:
Facebook: junior.estaca.18
Linkedin: juniorestaca
Instagram: junior_estaca_paris_saclay
Twitter: JuniorEstaca_PS
Junior ESTACA Campus Ouest
Junior ESTACA Campus Ouest is a junior-company governed by the Confédération Nationale des Juniors-Entreprises (CNJE). It is a non-profit organization with an economic status. A group of students from ESTACA administers it.
Like an engineering or consulting firm, we carry out studies for industrialists, contractors or individuals. Our various areas of competence, such as computer science / automation, mechanical engineering, electrical and wave domains and various engineering problematic (production, hydraulics, dimensioning) allow us to meet our customers’ needs.
On the one hand, companies benefit from new know-how and innovation from future engineers while, on the other hand, we allow ESTACA students to perfect their knowledge acquired through Projects.
Campus: Laval
Site internet:
Facebook: JuniorEstacaCO
Twitter: JuniorESTACA_CO
Linkedin: juniorestacaco
Instagram: junior_estaca_campus_ouest
Engineers Who Communicate
ESTACOM is a student association that supports the school’s communications department with the aim of helping to promote ESTACA. Students get involved in managing forums, organising Open Days, Test Benches and all other events that contribute to increasing the visibility of the school.
Their involvement helps to integrate students in representation and offers them personalised support.
In Laval, the association publishes a school journal with news from ESTACA’s technology courses, news about associations, forthcoming events on campus, students’ recipes, games, etc.
Campus: ESTACA Paris-Saclay et ESTACA Campus-Ouest
E-mail: /
A small association for the biggest evening of the year.
Whether by location, theme or artists, the ESTACA Gala team is there to provide all students with an exceptional moment. This is why each year a team whose members come from the BDEs of Laval and Paris-Saclay works to bring together all the elements of this evening, from the simple appetizer, to the greatest of artists!
Instagram : gala_estaca_2023