Technological societes
ESTACA Moto-Tech
Estaca Moto Tech group’s activities cover the motorbike sector. The members of the association take part in both the construction of innovative prototypes and in competitions. Over the last four years, the association has been taking part in the championship reserved for flat-twin motorbikes of less than 650 cm3, the French “Endurance Racing Twin” (ERT). Estaca Moto Tech’s team has steadily improved its results. In 2008, it finished in the first ten, then took third place in the last race.
Campus: ESTACA Paris-Saclay
Facebook: MotoTechEstaca
Instagram: estacamototech
Campus: ESTACA Laval
Facebook: MototechLaval
Instagram: mototechlaval

ESTACA Modélisme
The ESTACA Modelling Association invites its members to construct remotely-controlled aircraft of all types. At the end of the campaign week, the students are asked to pilot their aircraft. The association also has some exceptional machines, such as a VGM of 2 m 60 and a glider of 4 m 50. In order to promote team spirit and the involvement of all, members are invited to make connections with students on both campuses and with former students.
Campus: ESTACA Paris-Saclay
Facebook: estacamodelisme
Instagram: estaca_modelisme
Linkedin: estacamodélisme

ESTACA Space Odyssey
Le club aérospatial ESTACA
Right at the heart of student life at the school, ESTACA Space Odyssey (ESO) is an association for those with their head in the stars. Fans of space, its members design and build their projects: rockets, CanSats and weather balloons, thanks to the methodological and logistical support of Planète Sciences and the Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES). These projects carry various experiments such as speed or pressure sensors, anti-roll systems, etc.
A launch campaign is organised every year by the CNES. With a year of preparation, and a highlight of the student year, C’Space allows members of the association to launch and test their projects and at the same time, benefit from professional expertise.
ESO also tries to innovate and achieve more ambitious projects, such as a CubeSat (nano-satellite format) or a module to detect space debris.
Discover ESO (in French).
EIRBI project.
Campus: ESTACA Paris-Saclay et ESTACA Laval
Facebook: EstacaSpaceOdyssey
Instagram: estaca_space_odyssey
Linkedin: eso-estaca-space-odyssey-

Cercle Aéronautique
ESTACA’s aeronautical group (CAE) is an association formed under the French law of 1901. It encompasses students who are enthusiastic about aviation and organises numerous activities related to it.
The purpose of the association is to promote access to air activities for the largest number of participants. Members wish to share their knowledge and experience of aviation, to give practical ideas to students and to encourage those who wish to do so to begin or continue training in aviation. Their key events are the organisation of gliding weeks, visits to manufacturers or first flights in exceptional aircraft. Their initiatives are ever more numerous and innovative.
Campus: ESTACA Paris-Saclay
Site internet:
Facebook: caestaca
Instagram: caestaca
Twitter: caestaca
LinkedIn: cercle-aéronautique-de-l’estaca
Snapchat: caestaca

Siera is the robotics ESTACA association. Its activities are organized around two dominant poles :
- The drone pole : SiERA is involved in the design of tomorrow’s drones, especially on the design of micro-drones. They will mostly work on automation of these devices by programming the guiding and navigation, stabilization and possibly on image processing algorithms.
- The pole Maker : This pole is SiERA true robotic projects. It included robotic vehicle design, 3D printer. This pole offers multidisciplinary subjects mixing mechanics, electronics and robotics.
Campus: ESTACA Paris-Saclay
Instagram: siera_estaca
LinkedIn: sieraes78-ab67

Flying West
With 90 members, this association is mainly a group of enthusiasts aiming to help as many people as possible discover the world of aeronautics and share their passion.
Flying West works in 4 areas :
- Discovery: Throughout the year, the association offers a range of student activities: Initiations on various aircraft (ULM, glider, plane, aerobatic glider, etc.), tours of interesting aeronatical sites (A380 assembly line in St Nazaire, aeronaval base, etc.).
- Promotion: Flying West is committed to promoting aeronautics to the public through BIA courses for secondary school students in Laval, classes on aviation in primary schools, Sick Children Days, etc.
- Training: Flying is a pleasure that not everyone can afford. For this reason, Flying West has developed partnerships with aeroclubs and ULM clubs in the Laval region, to offer pilot training at affordable prices.
- Construction: With the “Demoiselle” project, this section was created to allow all members of Flying West to take part in concrete, motivating student projects. After building a flight simulator from an old twin-engine plane: a Piper Azteq, the members are now restoring a flying replica of a 1903 Santos-Dumont airship.
Campus: ESTACA Campus-Ouest
Facebook: FlyingWestESTACA
Facebook Projet vision’R: ProjetVisionR
Instagram: flying_west
Linkedin: flying-west

The PV3e association design and build vehicle and engine to participate in the Shell Eco Marathon. Highlight of the associative life, this race gathers each year the best teams of Europe.
Each year, the PV3e competes with one prototypes in the internal combustion engine category (Campus Paris-Saclay from Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines).
Campus Paris-Saclay PV3E from Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
Energy saving is the watchword. The current record of the association is 2,701 Km with 1 liter of gasoline, the equivalent of a Paris-Madrid! In order to push the limits of energy saving, members maximize the aerodynamics and structure of their prototypes. Within the PV3e, students can learn to use 3D design software, structural computation, fluid mechanics, racing strategy. They thus take a first step in the world of car racing.
Campus: ESTACA Paris-Saclay
Site internet:
Facebook: PV3e Estaca
Instagram: pv3eestaca
Twitter: PV3e_estaca
Linkedin: pv3e
Development and Technique Initiation with ITD
ITD is a student technology association. Its main vocation is to initiate its members in the design and building of original, sports vehicles: from the concept to the prototype’s first laps.
Several projects are in progress:
- IVR-S: A racing prototype designed for driving pleasure. Driven by a 180hp engine, it weighs 600kg. Built in 2006, today the vehicle is used to discover maintenance and enhancement of a racing prototype.
- ESTACA On The Salt: A 100% electric vehicle built to beat a world speed record at the Bonneville Speedweek in the United States in August 2017. Project members managed to bring a reliable, running prototype to the United States and reached the speed of 247 kph.
- Jema By ESTACA: A 100% student race team to take part in a full season of “Coupe De France” FFSA “Endurance Prototype” category. . A Jema 630 GTR with a motorbike engine weighing 600kg and developing 200bhp is made available by the partner Jema Racing. On the schedule – multiple races during the year on France’s largest tracks; Le Mans, Nogaro, Magny Cours, etc.
- Saar-e by ESTACA: The students of the Saar-e by ESTACA (Student Automotive Association Rally-Electric) project of the ITD association will form the first 100% student team team to take an electric car on the Africa Eco Race. This ecological and humanitary rally is an annual race which links Monaco to Dakar in about twenty days. ESTACA students will be engaged in the experimental category grouping hybrid, electric and ecological vehicles. The objective is to develop an off-road vehicle, compliant with FIA safety and racing regulations, efficient and competitive, equipped with two electric motors (110kw) for a range of 300km in special conditions.
The students can use these projects to develop their network and their soft skills in engineering, production, project management (management, planning, industrial relations and communication, etc.).
Since 2016, the association also offers initiations to members and ESTACA students enabling them to widen their technical knowledge: removal of engines, gearboxes, welding, boiler making, etc. Passing on knowledge is one of the association’s priorities.
Campus: campus ouest
Facebook: JemaByEstaca
Instagram: jemabyestaca
Linkedin: jema-by-estaca-a2b700170
ESTACA on the salt:

EPIC - ESTACA Projects of Innovation and Challenges
The association which brings together innovative enthusiasts from different fields
E.P.I.C. (Estaca Projects of Innovation and Challenges) is an association that takes part in corporate competitions and develops innovative projects. Members respond to current and future topical issues by coming up with surprising and sometimes revolutionary ideas.
Through mutual help and cohesion, each member contributes to the development of the projects. On the one hand, the association takes part in competitions and creates concepts. On the other, it develops its own projects and enters them into competitions as and when they progress.
Campus: ESTACA Paris-Saclay et ESTACA Campus-Ouest
Facebook: EstacaProjectsOfInnovationAndChallenges
Instagram: epic_estaca
Linkedin: epicestaca

WAVE - West Association for Vessels of ESTACA
WAVE is a student technology association specialized in maritime issues.
It proposes numerous activities in the nautical sector: Motorboat licenses, visits to shipyards, marine museums, excursions by kayak, sailing classes… and innovative technical maritime projects.
For example, members are taking part in the Solar & Energy Boat Challenge in Monaco, an annual international competition to promote solution to meet future energy and environmental challenges in the maritime sector.
To take part in the race, around twenty students are working on the model and design of a cockpit, developing a propulsion system, integrating solar panels or installing electric motors on a catamaran.
A dozen students from the association are working on the Green Turtle project, a “turtle” robot to collect waste. 8 million tons of plastic waste enter the oceans every year. The Green Turtle project, in collaboration with the German company Festo, the student association Wave and ESTACA, consists of building a “turtle” robot that can track and swallow waste at the edge of the oceans.
Campus: ESTACA Campus-Ouest
Facebook: WaveEstaca
Instagram: wave_estaca
Linkedin: wave-estaca
Projet Green Turtle
Adresse e-mail:
Facebook: GreenTurtleEstaca
Instagram: greenturtle_estaca
Linkedin: green-turtle-0082071a1

The iDrogen association design and build vehicle and engine to participate in the Shell Eco Marathon. Highlight of the associative life, this race gathers each year the best teams of Europe.
Each year, iDrogen competes with one prototypes in the fuel cell category (Campus Ouest from Laval).
Campus Ouest iDROGEN ESTACA from Laval, Mayenne
iDrogen is a vehicle energy efficient engineering student project. Their objective is to participate in the Shell Eco-Marathon Europe. Each year, these students take part in the competition trying to break records in terms of energy consumption.
We have distinguished ourselves for several years by using hydrogen as an energy source and a fuel cell as an electric power generator. Silent, reliable and easy to use, this technology is particularly suited for competition. Recently, it has become a category in its own right.
Campus: ESTACA Campus-Ouest
Adresse e-mail:
Facebook: PV3eLaval
Instagram: idrogen_estaca
Linkedin: team-idrogen-estaca-16b31a151

ESTACA Formula Team
A human and technological adventure, at the heart of car racing
The sixty students of the ESTACA Formula Team have the task of designing, building and operating a real racing car in order to participate in the Formula Student.
This international competition is very well-known in the field of motorsport and industry. Thanks to a concrete industrial project, students learn and develop the qualities and knowledge required for their future job as an engineer: design, manufacturing, management, communication and sponsorship.
Their work is evaluated through the performances and reliability of the car through various tests. But also, by oral presentations where they have to justify their technicals and economics choices in front of a jury composed of engineer.
The team is currently working on its 3rd car: an innovative thermal car, including a carbon monocoque and an aerodynamic pack. With the aim of continuing to grow, to surround itself with professionals and to wear high the colors of ESTACA!
Campus: ESTACA Paris-Saclay
Site internet:
Facebook: ESTACAFormulaTeam
Instagram: estaca_formulateam
Twitter: EFT_FSAE
Linkedin: estacaformulateam
Guided Ways
“Guided Ways”, ESTACA rail student association aims to promote this sector and its many outlets. It constitutes a privileged link between students and manufacturers. Throughout the year, we organize numerous visits, conferences on cross-cutting themes and other significant events such as the annual Alumni Dinner, which allows us to get together with the alumni.
Focus on technical projects:
The first project hosted by Guided Ways is the construction of two railway driving simulation desks: a light and a heavy, mounted on jacks. This project, called Sardine, for educational purposes, supports students throughout their training.
Renard is the association’s second technical project. The aim is to build a miniature train circuit to simulate all the systems in the railway world (signaling, operation, infrastructure, etc.).
Our administrative team is made up of students and implements technical projects with dedicated work teams. Finally, we receive many stakeholders from the railway sector during afterworks.
Campus: ESTACA Paris-Saclay
Site internet:
Facebook: AssociationGuidedWays
Instagram: guided_ways
Linkedin: guidedways