Competition cluster
ESTACA is a member of five competition poles whose vocation is to bring together companies, research laboratories and third level education establishments to develop R&D projects with a view to enhance the competitive edge of companies and territories.
The Polymeris cluster is dedicated to rubber, plastics and composites.

ASTech Paris Region is the leading employer in France in Aeronautics, Space and embedded systems.

The MOV’EO cluster’s mission is to develop automobiles and advanced means of transportation that are safe for people and their environment.

iDforCAR supports innovation across the entire vehicle industry.

Complex Metallic and Composite Assemblies cluster.

The goal of this cluster is to give the Paris region global visibility in the field of design, production and use of complex systems . At the heart of the digital revolution, students learn to use tools and technologies that are key in software-intensive systems, including automotive and transportation.