Local Partner Networks
Local Partner Networks
ESTACA is well rooted in reginonal area of which it is an integral part
ESTACA's two campuses are integrated locally
ESATAC Laval Campus’s local network:
- The ID4Car, EMC2, CEMCAT and IRT Jules Vernes competition clusters.
- The Mayenne General Council, The Pays de le Loire region, Laval Agglomeration, CCI Mayenne in partnership with the Laval Technopole.

Local ESTACA Paris Saclay Campus networks:
- The Saint Quentin en Yvelines Agglomeration Community, the University of Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines and representatives of local business networks -Deltas SQY and Convergence Yvelines.
- The Student Cluster for Innovation, Transfer and Entrepreneurship of Paris-Saclay.
- The PEIPS cluster.
- The Paris Saclay network of innovative places via the integration of the ESTACA Fablab.

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