International collaborations

Scientific Collaboration Open to the World
Several international collaborations are underway, through:
- joint supervision of international co-tutoring theses,
- collaborative projects,
- international events,
- mobility as part of Erasmus and PEGASUS exchanges involving major European academic aeronautics institutions.
The projects are mainly involving Europe, but others aim at developing international mobility for Ph.D students and researchers, in coordination with Campus France.
As regards international events, with the support of local partners, ESTACA organizes conferences on clean and intelligent transport.
Examples of International Collaboration
Co-tutored theses
Monder Haggui, Multi-scale analysis of the mechanical behavior of an eco-composite comprising a thermoplastic resin base reinforced with flax fibers, international co-tutoring with the École Nationale d’Ingénieurs in Sfax (ENIS, Tunisia) and Université du Mans, dual diploma Université Bretagne Loire and ENIS, PhD scholarship, thesis defense planned for the end of 2019.
Marcin Biczyski, Improving Multirotor Reliability and Performance Using Switch Reluctance Machines. Thesis in collaboration with the University of Cranfield, defense planned for the end of 2021.
Cristhian Yesid Bello, Electric motorbike planning and eco-driving strategies, co-tutoring in collaboration with the university of Javeriana (Colombia), PhD scholarship, dual diploma from Paris-Saclay university and the university of Javeriana, defense planned for the end of 2021.