Mattis Dupin
I joined ESTACA in 3rd year after doing a preparatory course. As soon as I arrived, I wanted to be part of the Junior ESTACA (JE) and I quickly became vice-president. We reply to calls for tenders or look for missions to offer students of the School in exchange for payment. I reponsible for internal management: management of the teams, supervision of the various divisions and, in agreement with the president, development of the association’s strategy.
Last year, I also got involved in the new Entrepreneurship option offered by the school. I thought it was consistent with the missions of the JE. Also, I just happen come from a family of entrepreneurs. I did the training and helped put it in place. The aim of this course is to provide legal, financial, commercial and management basics to students to give them confidence in setting up their own business, and why not during their studies.
Junior ESTACA gives me skills that engineers often lack: ease in commercial relations and management. And with the Entrepreneurship option, I feel better equipped to realize all my projects.