Adresse postale

Campus Ouest Parc Universitaire Laval-Changé
Rue Georges Charpak - Cedex 9 BP76121
53061 Laval

+33 (0)2 43 59 47 35

Articles avec comité de lecture

Le Mercier K, Watremez M, Brocail J, Dubar L. Evolution of dynamic recrystallization of aisi-1045 steel under critical friction conditions, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 966-967, p. 168-174, 2014

Senecaut Y, Watremez M, Brocail J, Dubar L. Identification of friction law to model orthogonal cutting, Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 611-612, p. 1194-1201, 2014

Communications internationales

Zouari S, Genevaux J-M, Brocail J, Ablitzer F. Formation of band gaps in thin plate with a periodic array of resonators, 22ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 24-28/08/2015, Lyon, France

Le Mercier K, Watremez M, Brocail J, Dubar L. Evolution of dynamic recrystallization of aisi-1045 steel under critical friction conditions, 6th International Conference on Tribology in Manufacturing Processes & Joining by Plastic Deformation (ICTMP 2014), 22-24/06/2014, Darmstadt, Allemagne

Senecaut Y, Watremez M, Brocail J, Dubar L. Identification of friction law to model orthogonal cutting, 17th Annual Conference on Material Forming (ESAFORM 2014), 07-09/06/2014, Espoo, Finlande

Zouari S, Brocail J, Genevaux J-M, Ablitzer F. Damping wave propagation in periodic composite panels, 19th Conference Vibrations, Shocks and Noise (VISHNO 2014), 17-19/06/2014, Aix-en-Provence, France


Zouari S, Brocail J, Genevaux J-M, Ablitzer F. Amortissement des matériaux composites par effet réseau, JST AMAC 2014, 04/2014, Nevers, France

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