Directeur Adjoint des Formations et Professeur
Adresse postale

ESTACA - Campus Ouest Parc Universitaire Laval-Changé
Rue Georges Charpak - Cedex 9 BP76121
53061 Laval

+33 (0)2 43 59 47 27

Communications internationales

Estival P, Krebs G, Marchand C, Sehab R, Barbedette B. Pre-sizing of permanent magnet synchronous machine under mass constraints, 6th International Conference on Recent Advances in Aerospace Actuation Systems and Components R3ASC 2014, 2-3/04/2014, Toulouse, France

Sehab R, Shanan T. Control laws for the emulation of an electric vehicle drivetrain by two elecric machines, IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference VPPC 2013, 15-18/10/2013, Pekin, Chine

Sehab R. Emulation of an electrohydraulic actuator associated to an aerodynamic load and validation usign electric machines, LMS European Aerospace Conference, 4-5/10/2012, Toulouse, France

Sehab R, Feld G. An online estimation of energy recovery in an electric vehicle using ARTEMIS mission profiles, IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference VPPC 2012, 9-12/10/2012, Séoul, Corée du Sud

Sehab R, Barbedette B, Chauvin M. Electric vehicle drivetrain: sizing and validaton using general and particular mission profiles, ICM 2011, 13-15/04/2011, Istanbul, Turquie

Sehab R, Feld G. Drivetrain : emulation and simulation using electric machines, VPPC’11, 06-09/09/2011, Chicago, USA

Remy G, Ejjabraoui K, Larouci C, Mhenni F, Sehab S, Lefranc P, Barbedette B, Raka S.A, Combastel C, Cannou S, Cardon F, Cuvelier P, Marchand C, Lizuka B, Bastard P, Barbier D. Modeling Guidelines and Tools Comparison for Mechatronics System Design in Automotive Applications. Application to a Motorized Hatchback, Proceedings of EMM2009, Mechatronics for vehicles and production, 24-25/06/2009, Paris, France

Sehab R. An Aerodynamic Load for an Electrohydraulic Actuator : Advanced Modelling and Implementation Using Electric Actuators, 13th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 10-13/07/2009, Orlando, USA

Sehab R, Rizoug N, Feld G, Barbedette B. Transmission Chain for Series-Parallel Hybrid Vehicle : Simulation and Sizing Using Electric Actuators, EMM’2009, p. 1-10, 24-25/06/2009, Paris, France

Sehab R. Fuzzy PID supervision for a non linear system : design and implementation, North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society Conference, 24-27/06/2007, San Diego, USA


Aubry J, Azib T, Chaaban K, Gillet S, Lefeuve J, Mehel A, Murzyn F, Saudrais S, Sehab R. L’initiation des étudiants au domaine de la recherche en école d’ingénieurs : l’exemple des projets PIRATE à l’ESTACA, Revue 3EI, N° 76, 2014

Estival P, Krebs G, Marchand C, Sehab R, Barbedette B. Pré-dimensionnement d’une machine synchrone à aimants permanents en quasi statique validé par un modèle dynamique, SGE Symposium de Génie Electrique SGE’14, 08-10/07/2014, Cachan, France

Sehab R, Barbedette B. Fuzzy PID Supervision for an automotive Application : Design and Implementation, Chapter book « PID controller Design Approaches », Edited by M. Vagia, ISBN 9789535104056, 03/2012

Barbedette B, Rizoug N, Sadoun R, Sehab R. L’hybridation des systèmes de stockage d’énergies embarquées, Journée Scientifique et Technique, thème : la filière automobile face aux normes environnementales : contraintes ou opportunités, 2011, Laval, France

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